What’s So Great About Family?
“[Family] were the people who claimed you. In good, in bad, in parts or in whole, they were the ones who showed up, who stayed in there, regardless. It wasn’t just about blood relations or shared chromosomes, but something wider, bigger.” | Sarah Dessen, author
Family. They are the people who brought you into the world. They taught you your first life lessons. You’ve been together through ups and downs. You’ve experienced good days and bad. At times, it may have felt like more bad days than good, but despite it all, their love for you has been constant.
Addiction can strain relationships with those we love. An important part of boosting emotional health and improving the chances for long-term sobriety is rooted in repairing relationships with those who matter most in our lives – our families. These reparations require acknowledging the feelings of hurt, anger and betrayal many family members struggle with as a result of their experiences with addiction. It is also essential that families understand how their behaviors and choices contribute to these problems, and are empowered with the tools to replace enabling behaviors with healthy ways of communicating and interacting.
Though the patient may be the focus of individualized treatment, the entire family plays a role in recovery. Solidifying and strengthening healthy, strong relationships creates a strong primary support group to rally around and celebrate a life in recovery – together.
Here are some ways to remind a loved one you appreciate them…
• Send a handwritten note or thank you card
• Give a special gift commemorating their help
• Create a personal memory book highlighting happy times together
• Cook a meal for a loved one as a way to return some of the care they have given you
Connect with us on Facebook. We want to know… How have you shown appreciation for a loved one?