Be a Winner
It’s a new year and the calendar with this the 2017 Heroes in Recovery 6K runs is online. We added a couple of more events to come closer to YOU! We are growing, and that that is only because of your overwhelming positive feedback and participation, along with our incredible nationwide sponsors.
<blockquote>Most of the people I know who are in in recovery are not runners. They might see a post about our awareness runs and skip over it with the thought, “Oh, that’s not for me.” However, read on! Our 6K events are much more than simply running.</blockquote>
Heroes in Recovery created the 6K race series so that there is something for everyone. Our races welcome everyone from the avid runner to the person who just got sober a few weeks ago and is still struggling to just hold a coffee still. The primary goal is not to run like we are trying to get a place in the Olympics—these events are about bringing the community together to have a great time.
Our 6k runs are tailored so that an experienced runner can take off at any speed, while others can walk it, cheer it, crawl it, or volunteer by giving out water or medals. Everything is possible and every path is possible– just as it is in recovery. You are unique, your recovery is unique, and your race experience is unique! Even if you volunteer to help cut bananas, you are needed. We need every one of you to make each run a success.
Some people may ask why we do these runs. We want to raise awareness for those who struggle with substance use disorders, addiction issues, and mental health conditions. A major step to help those into sobriety is to break the stigma associated with this disease. Nobody should be afraid to reach out for help. We also want to celebrate YOUR recovery and have a great day in an awesome community event. We want to support your recovery and spread hope.
Others ask why we offer 6K runs instead of 5K runs. We chose to make our races six kilometers long because an addicted person has always to go the extra mile– or in our case, the extra kilometer. Recovery doesn’t come easily, but it’s worth it.
We have always a live band and music on board when we arrive at a location. Recovery is not about hiding from the storm. It’s about learning to dance in the rain. Let’s dance together and enjoy camaraderie and fellowship. Why not try to walk or walk/run the course. I promise you can!
Completing your first 6K is just like recovery. You put one step in front of the other, baby steps if you must because time is not as important as healing. The only thing that counts is that we reach the finish line and our goal. You are not alone because hundreds are doing it with you. The only thing you have to “beat” is to be a better person than you were yesterday. And even if you go as slowly as a turtle in peanut butter, you are lapping everyone on the couch!
As a special reward for your achievement, you get a medal at the finish line, a special Heroes in Recovery 6K shirt, and on almost all races a professional photo of yourself running or crossing the finish line. Make memories! Our registration fees are very affordable and all proceeds go to a local charity and support treatment of addiction or mental health. If you come as a team from a sober living or treatment center give us a call for special big group discounts.
We also encourage you to bring family, friends, and kids to cheer for you. Our events are family friendly and we sometimes have face painting and/or a caricaturist at the finish line. Water and post run nutrition is provided for free as well, not to forget the raffle of goodies and awards in all age groups. If you feel like you want to go for the awards and run the race, you might want to check out our free professional training plan to prepare you for the big day. (/heroes6k/)
If you love your dog and he is keen to get moving as well, please bring him along. As long as he behaves well with others, we love to have our four-legged fur friends on the run/walk.
Register today to an event near you. Only the early bird gets the savings. Meet me and my fellow lead advocates at the 6K to share your story of recovery in an interview on packet pick-up days or on race days. We would be so happy to get to know you and hear how you found sobriety or how you coped with the addiction of someone you love. All of our race locations are listed at /heroes6k/ as well.
If you would like to share your story from home, we appreciate anyone who helps spread experience, strength and hope through our page, /share/.
Our race days are about YOU and your recovery. Come on out with the entire family and celebrate together. Make it a reunion with old friends and have a fun time. I’m looking forward to meeting you in 2017! If you come, you will already be a winner.
We do recover.
Susanne Johnson