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Privacy Guide


You may tell your story of recovery and use your name and photograph without revealing your membership in Alcoholics Anonymous (AA), NA, CA, SA, or any other 12-Step groups. Personal anonymity for members of AA is a cherished gift granted by the Twelve Traditions of AA. Please refer to and the pamphlet “Understanding Anonymity” for more information on anonymity.


Please consider your use of a photograph carefully. Photographs are OPTIONAL. If you use a photograph, you may use a personal photograph, but you may also use the photograph of an object, place, or symbol that relates to your story. Heroes in Recovery strongly discourages the use of a personal photograph if you have less than one year of sobriety.


Please consider the use of your full name carefully. Full names are OPTIONAL. You may choose to use a first name and last initial or you may decide to use a pseudonym. Heroes in Recovery strongly discourages the use your full name if you have less than one year of sobriety.


Heroes in Recovery reserves the right to edit treatment center or program names. We review all stories. The focus of the story should be on personal recovery and not an advertisement for treatment at any particular center or program.


The principle of anonymity within Alcoholics Anonymous and other 12-Step groups was established to keep the primary focus on helping alcoholics and addicts and to ensure a safe space for people to recover.

Anonymity with the media is a cornerstone principle of many 12-Step groups and recovery programs. It is an essential element of success because it gives the recovering person the protection he or she needs from outside scrutiny.

Anonymity also plays a crucial role in establishing personal humility, which is a cornerstone of the spiritual foundation of recovery.

Here are the traditions that lay out the principle of anonymity as it applies to many 12- Step groups and programs.

Tradition 6

“A [12-Step group] ought never endorse, finance or lend the [12-Step group] name to any related facility or outside enterprise, lest problems of money, property and prestige divert us from our primary purpose.”

Tradition 10

“The [12-Step group] has no opinion on outside issues; hence, the [12-Step group] ought never to be drawn into any public controversy.”

Tradition 11

“Our public relations policy is based on attraction rather than promotion; we need always maintain personal anonymity at the level of press, radio, and films.” You can share your story about recovery and advocate for the rights of others, as long as you do not involve the 12-Step group or AA by name.

Thank you for sharing your story with us and adding to our collective voice at Heroes in Recovery!

1581 Stories