- Alcohol
- Drugs
- Friends & Family
Submitted by: Susanne Johnson
Because he is in active military duty right now, Steven tries to stay fit and active and enjoys a lot of running. It was his first time to run a 6K during the Heroes in Recovery event in Memphis. He has no struggles himself with the disease of addiction or mental health issues, and has not had any in his past. “Although I don’t have this type of struggle in my life, I believe that support groups make a lot of difference in people’s lives. I enjoy attending runs or other supportive group activities for various causes to give my voice to their project,” Steven says.
Steven recognized that many of the runners are in recovery and stated, “These are the true heroes today, they are the winners.” His mom had a problem with addiction to prescription pills at one point in her life and is an alcoholic. She is doing much better now and found recovery. “The 70s and 80s were not nice to her,” he states. It was very rough for a while for Steven’s mother, and he is grateful that she found her way out. “I was introduced to what alcoholism is at a very early age,” he explains “My focus was going to the military to make my career and life there, drug and alcohol free.” He knows that it is a disease and not a question of choice, but since he saw in his mom what alcohol can do, he chose to keep his hands off it and not to risk any trouble. He wants to pursue his goals and does not want to lose them.
Steven is living currently just outside of Memphis and will relocate to Virginia shortly. He has already been in the military for 23 years and hopes that he will always have an open ear and an open mind if someone close to him needs any help. He enjoyed the run and hopes he will find one for this cause at his next location as well.