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Bo Brown

Facing Obstacles in Recovery

April 20, 2017 by Bo Brown

We are all on a road to somewhere. It is important to know that each person is responsible for his or her own driving skills. That reality is difficult for anyone who cares about a person in active addiction or addiction recovery. Things can be more difficult when that person that is constantly veering off into the ditch is a family member or loved one.

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What Addiction was Like for Me

April 6, 2017 by Bo Brown

Today, my life has changed. Gone are the days of isolation and self-defeat. I find purpose in the will to live life. Manipulation is no longer part of my life. I try to live an honest existence by living in the moment.

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We Are Fighting for Our Lives

March 21, 2017 by Bo Brown

We all know that addiction recovery is a life-long fight. It is resistant to treatment and prone to relapse. I am saddened by those friends that have lost their fight. It only makes me more determined to not be a statistic and to continue to fight. The last person that passed away was only 22. He was intelligent and had the world at his feet.

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Changing My Inner Dialogue

March 8, 2017 by Bo Brown

It wasn’t until I took my first drink and drug that I found some kind of comfort in the liquid courage. I found my group of friends in my teenage years that shared similar interests. That interest was getting high and getting drunk.

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Celebrating Your Milestones

February 8, 2017 by Bo Brown

When I got out of treatment and completed six more months of outpatient, I was unemployed and financially strapped. I had not been that way since college. I had been a teacher for 21 years and was not sure if I wanted to go back into the classroom sober. I had never taught without a hangover and totally sober before.

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